Thursday, September 04, 2008

Venice Biennale | 65. Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica

Venice Biennale
The Director of the Cinema section, Marco Müller, continues the work he began in 2004, at the helm of The 65th International Venice Film Festival which runs August 27th to September 6th, 2008.

Semih Kaplanoglu Süt (Milk) – Turkey / France / Germany, 102‘
(Venezia 65)
Melih Selcuk, Basak Koklukaya

A high school graduate, Yusuf could not pass the university entrance exam. Writing poetry is his greatest passion and some of his poems are being printed in various obscure literary journals. But neither these poems, nor the rapidly falling price of the milk they sell, are being of any benefit to Yusuf and Zehra’s lives. When Yusuf finds out about Zehra’s secret affair with the town’s stationmaster he gets disconcerted. Will he find the way to cope with his anxiety for the unknown future, the rapid change that he is going through and the pain of taking a step into adulthood and leaving his youth behind?

Yusuf, appena diplomato, non riesce a superare il test di ammissione all’università. Scrivere poesie è la sua più grande passione e alcune sue liriche vengono pubblicate in diverse, quanto oscure, riviste letterarie; tuttavia, Yusuf e Zehra non traggono alcun beneficio né dalle poesie, né dal rapido calo del prezzo del latte che vendono. Yusuf rimane sconcertato nel momento in cui viene a sapere della relazione segreta di Zehra con il capostazione della città. Riuscirà a trovare il modo di far fronte all’ansia per il futuro ignoto che lo attende, al rapido cambiamento che sta attraversando e al dolore di lasciarsi alle spalle la giovinezza per entrare nell’età adulta?

Ferzan Özpetek Un giorno perfetto – Italy, 95’
Isabella Ferrari, Valerio Mastandrea, Valerio Binasco, Nicole Grimaudo, Stefania Sandrelli
(Venezia 65)

23. Settimana Internazionale della Critica (International Film Critics Week) of the 65th Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica which is going to be held in Venice from August 27th to September 6th, 2008.

“Two Lines” is one of the selected 7 movies and is nominated a candidate for the award of “Golden Lion of the Future”. The movie will represent Turkey

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